Wednesday, 8 June 2011 least there's chocolate!

...another day and it feels like zero degrees and...goodness gracious me, well, it's only June! Being under the weather what better way to cheer things up a little with some little Choc muffins and a great classic movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! (the original of course, love Gene Wilder..not that I don't like Johnny Depp, but you can't mess with the original...).  I pulled out my trusty old Marie Claire "Food Fast" cookbook (the Donna Hay one...whilst i don't warm to her on the tele, she does pull out some dang good recipes..) and this little beauty was so easy, quick and, well, they taste ok too!

little choc brownies
150g butter (softened), 1 cup castor sugar (i used raw, still works!), 3/4 cup cocoa powder, 2 eggs, 1 cup SR flour.
Preheat oven 180 celcius.  In a bowl beat sugar and butter til creamy and light in colour. Add eggs and beat in..add sifted flour and cocoa mix til combined.  Spoon into patty pans in a muffin tin or cupcake tin...Bake in the oven 10-12 mins...mine took 15mins, or until cooked but soft in the centre.  Serve warm with cream or ice-cream..

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